How to bet on boxing: tips and strategies

Now boxing as a sport is not as popular in betting as it used to be, but bookmakers make it possible to bet on it. Betting in boxing has a lot of advantages, because it is not a team discipline, but an individual one. There is a lot of useful information on the Internet: about the athletes themselves, various press conferences, interviews and analytical forecasts for the outcome of the battle.

Types of boxing bets

Boxing fights can be significant and loud (for titles) or warm-up. So, in one evening there can be only one central fight. For major fights, bookmakers give a complete list of bets: for example, how many rounds a boxer will withstand, when will the first knockdown be, etc. For ordinary matches, only bets are given on the main outcomes, totals for each round, possibly odds. Below are the main betting options that can be found on almost any fight.

Outcome bet. An invariable component of any competition is a victory or an outcome. Therefore, in boxing, the bet on the outcome is the most common. Often, bookmakers include the victory of one of the boxers in the line. Less often there is an offer with a draw.

When choosing how and where to bet, pay attention to whether there is a draw. If it is missing, specify in the rules how the bookmaker will calculate the bet in case of a draw.

Bet on round totals. Professional or English boxing traditionally consists of 12 rounds. The bet on totals is made on the number of rounds in a particular match. They may not be enough if the boxers have a strong punch. Or the fight can stretch for all 12 rounds if there are average players in the ring.

Bet on the method of ending the battle. The outcome of the battle can be the following results:

  1. Victory by knockout.
  2. Victory by technical knockout. Scored when the opponent is physically unable to continue fighting.
  3. Disqualification of one of the fighters.
  4. Refusal of the opponent to continue the fight.
  5. By decision of the judges: unanimous, separate, majority decision.
  6. The fight was declared invalid.

When betting on a method of ending a fight, check the rules of the bookmaker about how it will evaluate a particular result.

Other boxing bets. In addition to the listed types, in big fights where the title is at stake, other bets are made. For example, it can be a bet on the outcome of a particular round or a bet on the round that will be the final one for the fight. Some bookmakers offer bets on boxers: who will be knocked down and in which round.

Boxing betting secrets

Bet on a competent boxer who chooses the right tactics and distributes forces at a distance. A smart fighter will adjust to his opponent and begin to dictate his terms.

The commercial attractiveness of the athlete. Boxing is not only a sport and show, but also a business. When a fighter is promising, they help him break through to the professional level. Judicial reprisals and demonstration fights are not uncommon.

Anthropometry is not a primitive way of assessing. Consider natural weight, not the one that is obtained as a result of diets and exercises. Evaluate visually at weighing. Also, do not forget about the height and length of the arms.

Bet on a strong-willed fighter. Often the outcome of the confrontation decides perseverance. Remember willpower. As they say, not the one who hits is strong, but the one who holds the blow. A tough nut is never easy to break.

Don’t rely on hitting.A knockout punch is good, but only against the right opponent. A competent fighter will not let him in and will not allow him to be knocked out with one blow.

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